GADGETS Archives - TechUpdatesDaily Tech Updates Fri, 15 Sep 2023 09:48:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GADGETS Archives - TechUpdatesDaily 32 32 Refurbished Smartphones – Why Refurbished Cell Phones Make Sense Fri, 15 Sep 2023 09:47:46 +0000 Refurbished smartphones are becoming more and more popular – no wonder, because buying a refurbished device isn’t just easy on your wallet. The environment is also happy, since fewer resources and energy have to be used to produce new mobile phones. Nevertheless, many customers still have concerns : What about the quality of refurbished smartphones, […]

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Refurbished smartphones are becoming more and more popular – no wonder, because buying a refurbished device isn’t just easy on your wallet. The environment is also happy, since fewer resources and energy have to be used to produce new mobile phones.

Nevertheless, many customers still have concerns : What about the quality of refurbished smartphones, for example? Is there a guarantee if the mobile phone is defective, and what is the difference between used devices and second-hand goods? We clarify these and other questions below.

Advantages Of Refurbished Smartphones

Cheap Prices

Smartphones are becoming more and more powerful and versatile – for example in terms of hardware, display quality and cameras. This is reflected in the prices , which have been rising for years . For example, if you want to buy a high-end model from Apple or Samsung, you have to reckon with costs of 1,000 euros or more .

Let’s look at refurbished smartphones for comparison: Since these devices are already used, they are offered at significantly lower prices than their new counterparts. Savings of up to 50% are not uncommon.

Another advantage: Particularly popular smartphone series such as the iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S or Google Pixel receive a new model every year. As soon as this appears, the price of the predecessor drops automatically, and if you buy this predecessor refurbished, you can save twice as much money .

Environmental Protection

As practical as smartphones are, their environmental footprint is anything but positive . Over 1 billion devices are sold every year . If you now consider that the goods are mostly new, it becomes clear how many resources and energy are required for production – not to mention the transport from distant countries.

It is estimated that smartphones generated as much as 146 million tons of CO2 in 2022 alone , and it is interesting how the CO2 emissions are distributed: 83% is attributable to production, transport and use in the first year, while the recycling of used devices only accounts for 4 % of emissions .

In addition, minerals such as tungsten, tin and, above all, cobalt are required for the production of smartphones. These so-called ” conflict minerals ” are often mined illegally , which is not only a problem for the environment. In countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, armed groups are fighting for control of these raw materials – with devastating consequences for the civilian population . Anyone who buys a refurbished smartphone can help reduce the demand for conflict minerals.

Of course, the disposal of cell phones is also a problem . It is estimated that over 5 billion devices are thrown away each year and not always disposed of properly. Recycling is one solution – but not all components of a smartphone are an option. If, on the other hand, the device is refurbished and resold, the amount of waste is significantly reduced.

Buyer Protection

Anyone who buys their smartphone used from private individuals – for example on swap platforms or flea markets – usually has no guarantee that the device will also work. “Bought as seen” is the principle that makes complaints almost impossible, and defects often only show up later.

Also Read: Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Motorola: Here Are The Most Anticipated Smartphones

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How Useful Are Smart Home Systems? Mon, 11 Sep 2023 08:47:00 +0000 A house that thinks for itself – what sounded like pie in the sky a few years ago is becoming more and more popular today. This is made possible by smart home systems, which automatically control numerous functions in the household: from the light and heating to the windows and appliances such as the stereo […]

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A house that thinks for itself – what sounded like pie in the sky a few years ago is becoming more and more popular today. This is made possible by smart home systems, which automatically control numerous functions in the household: from the light and heating to the windows and appliances such as the stereo system, refrigerator and washing machine. For homeowners, these systems not only represent an enormous relief. They also help to save energy and provide more security .

But of course concerns remain: Many users shy away from the costs of a smart home system or worry about data protection. The lack of compatibility between manufacturers is also still a problem.

In this article we will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of smart home systems.

Benefits Of Smart Home Systems

Simplifications In Everyday Life

Smart home systems can relieve you of many manual tasks in everyday life: You can open windows, doors and garage doors via smartphone or voice control and operate electrical devices remotely, while a fingerprint sensor on the door makes the key superfluous.

There are also fully automatic systems: if smart blinds are installed, for example, they register the solar radiation and darken accordingly. The light switches on as soon as you enter the room, and Smart Home is also on the rise when it comes to household chores: If you don’t feel like vacuuming, mopping and lawn mowing , for example, you can simply leave this work to your robot .

A smart fridge will show you which groceries are still available when you’re on the go, and even washing machines are already available as Smart Home versions. They can be controlled remotely with a smartphone and automatically adjust the detergent dosage to the amount of laundry. Admittedly, none of these functions are essential to life; However, they help you to make your everyday life more comfortable and efficient.

More Safety

A neat home can arouse desires – but here, too, smart home systems offer the right solution. Anyone who wants to deter burglars , for example , benefits from so-called presence simulations . The lighting switches on and off at random intervals, giving the impression that the house is occupied. If this is not enough, sensors can register when windows or doors are opened without permission – and immediately send an emergency call . Would you like to check on everything in the apartment at all times? Then simply install cameras that you can access with your smartphone.

Of course, a smart home security system is not limited to burglaries: smart smoke detectors automatically send a warning to your cell phone in an emergency; Water level detectors sound an alarm if the washing machine runs out and carbon monoxide detectors monitor the boiler, so you don’t have to worry about toxic gasses.

Also Read: Security Gadgets For When You Go On Vacation

Save Energy

Many experts recommend: The first smart home system in the house should be a heating system – no wonder, because this is where the greatest potential for saving energy lies . A smart heater registers, for example, whether windows are open or the occupants are out of the house, and connects to weather apps to ensure optimal temperatures in any weather. In this way , up to 100 euros can be saved in energy costs per year .

Of course, you can also configure such a heater according to your own wishes : For example, would you like to be greeted by a warm apartment after work? Thanks to heating plans, this is not a problem.

A smart home system also helps to save electricity : intelligent sockets, for example, avoid energy losses in standby; Smart lights only turn on when you’re there, and the robot hoover sucks more efficiently than a two-legged friend ever could. In addition, smart home devices such as washing machines can be connected to the photovoltaic system if desired – and wait until it has reached its maximum output before operating it.


So far we’ve been pompously talking about the smart home system – and that term might sound a little intimidating to newcomers. You don’t need a complex system of devices that communicate with each other to start with . You can also start small and first buy a smart home device – for example a vacuum cleaner robot or smart thermostats. If you then realize that you want to expand their operation, for example by voice control , the next device comes along. You decide for yourself how extensive your smart home should be.

Disadvantages Of Smart Home Systems

Lack Of Compatibility

So far there is no uniform standard for smart home devices . This means that some of them can be coupled with each other, others not. While products from the same manufacturer can still be combined relatively easily, it is possible that the different radio standards will thwart your plans. In extreme cases, manufacturers even prevent their devices from being connected to the competition. Unlimited Freedom? None!

The EEBus initiative shows that there is another way : In this initiative, several companies are working on a standard that allows smart home devices to communicate across manufacturers. However, it is currently difficult to foresee how extensively EEBus – or another standard – will prevail. The question also remains: Can the smart home device bought today be connected to new devices in a few years? To be on the safe side here, you should give established manufacturers preference over no-name products.

High Costs

Of course, work simplification and intelligence have their price. You have to pay significantly more for smart home devices than their non-smart counterparts. What’s more, it’s not always the acquisition costs that count. If, for example, several little helpers are to be networked, you need a control center . This collects data such as temperature, humidity and opening of the windows and sends them to the individual devices. Add to that a subscription to the software, a fee to store the data , and the smart home purchase quickly becomes a bottomless pit. Also the cost of installation should not be underestimated, because: The more complex the smart home system, the more likely lay people will reach their limits and have to hire a specialist.

Handling Of Personal Data

Smart home systems know a lot about their users . On the one hand, this is practical for adapting the functions specifically to individual needs. On the other hand, however, the question of safety remains: those who are not familiar with this area can experience nasty surprises. Did you know z. B. That there are entire websites with live streams of private security cameras – all because users forgot to change the default password? Or that hackers can exploit security gaps to manipulate devices and access sensitive data?

As you can see, the risk of misuse increases with the number of networked devices . If you want to make your home “smart”, you should at least learn the basics of cyber security. Equally important is choosing a trusted provider that protects their devices from access and offers regular security updates.

Also Read: Smart Gadgets That Make Your Life Easier

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5 Things to Keep In Mind Before Buying Your First Drone Camera Sat, 08 Apr 2023 10:12:00 +0000 The use of drones has become interestingly popular, throughout the world, over the past few years. The use of drones comes with some exceptional features that may not be possible to achieve while using traditional trends of aerial photography. The traditional trends of aerial photography or videography involved capturing photos or videos from a helicopter […]

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The use of drones has become interestingly popular, throughout the world, over the past few years. The use of drones comes with some exceptional features that may not be possible to achieve while using traditional trends of aerial photography. The traditional trends of aerial photography or videography involved capturing photos or videos from a helicopter or plane. Usually, professional-grade cameras with zoom lenses were used for this purpose. However, the traditional modes of aerial photography were expensive and risky. Then there come the drone cameras.
In this article, you will get to know the potential uses or benefits of drone cameras. As well as this, you will also get ideas on how to choose your first drone. So, let’s start our discussion here;

Benefits of using drone cameras

The use of drones for photography or videography comes with many benefits and the most prominent advantages are listed below:

Unique viewpoint

Drones provide unique viewpoints that may not be possible through other traditional modes of photography. They help capture stunning aerial shots, including photos and videos, that showcase cityscapes, landscapes, and other events from unique and interesting angles.


Today, drones are used for a variety of purposes or applications. For example, they have become the basic needs for real estate, film and television, journalism, and many more. They help people capture the footage in areas that can be difficult to access or may be harmful to humans, such as over water and high altitudes. As well as this, the use of drone cameras has also become interestingly popular for wedding events, supplies, scientific research, and for the coverage of religious or political occasions.


Compared to traditional aerial photography or videography modes, drones are time saviors. For example, they help you get a quick view of your desired location without arranging a plane or helicopter. Moreover, with less time consumption, you can cover multiple areas. So, they help save you a lot of time.


Usually, the use of drone cameras is highly cost-effective compared to using other traditional modes of aerial photography or videography. For example, there is no need for planes or helicopters, and other equipment. You only need to invest in a good quality drone that has enough capacity to cover your desired range.

Easy and safe to use

The use of drones is quite easy. For example, after having a proper guide and knowledge, everyone can easily operate drones for their specific purposes. At the same time, the use of drone cameras is quite safe compared to other traditional ways of aerial shooting. You can easily operate while sitting or standing in a safe place.

Things to consider before choosing your first drone

Here are the 5 best ideas or things, suggested by experts, you must keep in mind before buying your first drone camera:

Learn about the types

Drones are manufactured or available in many styles, forms, and types – to meet specific requirements. First of all, you need to know the exact use that for which purpose you need a drone. Then you must buy the relevant product according to your needs. You can check or compare drones from a store nearby you. At the same time, you can also visit online stores, such as Dronelitic, to check or compare products while staying at your own place.

Flight time or capacity

Flight time or capacity is the range or amount of time a drone can fly with a single battery charge. The longer the flight time or capacity the drone will have, the more time you will get to capture the best moments of your events. You can find drones from the lowest to longer flight times or capacity.
The only difference you will find is the cost of drones. So, it is advisable to look for a flight time that is enough according to your particular needs. If you are unsure how much flight time will be required according to your needs, you must take advice from experts or professionals. It will help you save costs and get the right product.


If your only purpose for using the drone is to take photographs and capture videos, you must consider the quality of the camera. It is advisable in investing in a drone with a high-quality camera that can help you shoot videos and photos with high resolution. If you are not sure about the camera lenses, resolution, and other aspects, you must consult with experts. Remember that choosing the wrong resolution or lenses may not meet your requirements. Thus, it may be a waste of time or money.


The size of a drone is another noticeable thing before buying the drone. You can find drones in smaller or larger sizes. It is considered that drone designs in small sizes are generally more portable and easier to fly. But, small-size drones may not have the same features, including camera quality and flight time as other larger drones have. So, you must compare the specs first and then choose the right product that can easily meet your requirements.

Laws and regulations

Last but the most important thing to consider before buying or operating a drone camera is to know the rules and regulations regarding its uses. Ensure that you understand the laws and regulations governing drone usage in the particular area where you live. Different countries or even regions have different rules and regulations. So, you must research the laws or consult the law authorities in your area or region o to avoid getting into trouble.


So, throughout our discussion, we have seen how or why drones have become interestingly popular over the past few years. Well, with the emergence of technology, more advanced features are introduced in drone cameras, making the use of drones easy and more efficient. Indeed, drones help you save time and money, and offer you the amazing experience of photography and videography. But, they help only when you use them appropriately. The appropriate use depends upon the right drone or product. So, ensure you buy the right product according to your needs.

Also Read: Employee Engagement Among Remote Workers: 8 Key Practices

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Upcoming smartphones In 2023 Sat, 24 Sep 2022 18:43:52 +0000 Smartphones are now part of our everyday life. Most use the little all-rounders every day. Be it for entertainment or for work. Dozens of new cell phones come onto the market every year. If you have to replace your cell phone, the question arises whether you should do so immediately. Maybe it’s worth waiting a […]

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Smartphones are now part of our everyday life. Most use the little all-rounders every day. Be it for entertainment or for work. Dozens of new cell phones come onto the market every year. If you have to replace your cell phone, the question arises whether you should do so immediately. Maybe it’s worth waiting a little longer. There may even be an exciting new product on the market.

These phones are expected to appear in 2023

Galaxy S23

Samsung is still the largest smartphone maker in the world. In the past, Samsung always launched the Galaxy S phones in the first three months of the year. Therefore, one can expect that the S23 series will also be available at the beginning of 2023.

Samsung is almost always the first in the world to use the latest processor from Qualcomm. It is therefore likely that all cell phones in the S23 series will contain the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2.

The Galaxy S23 range is expected to have similar or better specifications than the Galaxy S22 Ultra. That means at least 8GB of RAM, at least 128GB of internal storage, a 1440p display with a 120Hz refresh rate.

It is quite possible that the Galaxy S23 series is equipped with a 200 megapixel camera. And the battery life should also be better. A quad-curved display may be used in the new series.

iPhone 15

Apple has not yet launched the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro models, but they should be available in autumn 2022. And already now there is talk of the iPhone 15, which should come onto the market in 2023. There are some notable changes that are under discussion as of this writing.

Rumor has it that the iPhone 15 models will look similar to the iPhone 14 models. This means that the notch is gone and replaced with a dual punch hole. Apple is expected to continue offering 4 models.

Apple is currently working on a periscope lens. And the larger iPhone 15 Pro Max is said to get a periscope camera. The technology offers zoom capabilities beyond the capabilities of a standard telephoto lens.

Apple is already considering replacing the Lightning connector on iPhone 15 devices with a USB-C connector. From 2024, chargeable devices in Europe should be able to charge via USB-C.

OnePlus Pro 11

So far, OnePlus has presented its flagship in March or April. It is likely that the OnePlus Pro 11 will be released in January 2023 only in China and then worldwide from March.

If the Chinese company had a conscious design aesthetic up until the 8 series, that’s changed a bit. It is possible that the design will change again. The notifications slider will likely remain. In addition, one can assume that the curved display will remain.

OnePlus has made some aspects worse with the Pro 10. It is therefore still unclear what the specifications look like in detail. However, one can expect a triple-lens camera system on the back of the phone. And probably with wide-angle, ultra-wide-angle and telephoto lenses. You can also count on incredibly fast loading speeds.

And OnePlus is said to be working on a foldable phone, which should come onto the market in 2023.

Also Read: Best Mobile Phones For Gaming In 2022

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Repair, Upgrade or Replace Your Computer Mon, 19 Sep 2022 17:06:21 +0000 No computer lasts for ever, but to get the most out of your investment in the machine, you would want to prolong its life for as long as you can. Appropriate repairs and upgrades can help the machine to survive for a longer time. However, whatever happens, there will always come a time when it […]

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No computer lasts for ever, but to get the most out of your investment in the machine, you would want to prolong its life for as long as you can. Appropriate repairs and upgrades can help the machine to survive for a longer time. However, whatever happens, there will always come a time when it would be better to invest in a new computer than continue to have your current machine serviced and maintained.

Every computer eventually slows down, even if you use it for the same things you did when you first used it five years ago. Over time, you will receive updates of Windows or the macOS and these updates may weigh heavily on the computer. Individual applications may also receive updates over time and the web pages you visit may require more resources than was previously the case. When the machine slows down too much, you may be forced to buy a new computer, unless appropriate hardware replacements are able to resolve the slowness. On the other hand, a reinstall of the Windows or macOS operating system may in fact result in a significant restoration of the computer’s speed.

Many people assume that, if their computer is too slow, the issue can be rectified simply by installing one or more additional memory modules. However, before spending money on additional RAM, a better idea is to investigate the cause of the slowdown. Having an answer to this question would tell you if you would require a replacement or a repair or whether an appropriate upgrade would resolve the issue.

Also Read: 5 Signs Your Computer Might Be Infected With A Virus

The first step to implement is to identify the issue that causes the computer to slow down. The computer has multiple components, each of which has a specific purpose. One or more of such components might be causing slowdowns or issues. To make sure that you spend the money in the right place, you will have to diagnose the source of the issue.

In many cases, especially with older computers which have a traditional SATA hard drive, a radical speed improvement can be achieved by replacing the computer’s hard drive with a Solid State Drive (SSD). An SSD upgrade is the single most effective upgrade likely to result in a significant increase in the speed of the computer. A RAM upgrade, on the other hand, is only likely to be effective if the system was already utilising the capacity of the existing RAM.

Upgrading parts in your computer may cost a lot of money and some replacements are likely be more worthwhile than others. A computer repair professional could seamlessly carry out these upgrades for you, although if course that also adds a labour cost to the repair/upgrade.

To identify whether an upgrade is worth the investment, you should take a look at how much it would cost and compare that to the age of the computer. If the computer is 7 or more years old and would require an extensive repair, it may be preferable to purchase a new machine rather than repairing the old computer. Having said that, even older computers can be transformed as a result of an appropriate upgrade, resulting in a much lower cost solution than that of purchasing a new machine. If your computer is just three or four years old, you should probably look for an upgrade which could extend the life of your computer by a few more years.

It would be easy if it was possible to carry out all repairs or replacements at a specific cost. However, it is difficult to provide solid numbers that apply across the board. This is why performing diagnostics is very important to identify the exact issue before planning to repair it. If you have an idea that a single component is faulty and is the main reason for slowing down the computer, you could upgrade that part and extend the life of your machine by a few years. On the other hand, you could plan to buy a new PC if multiple parts begin to fail.

Also Read: Seven Signs That Your Computer Needs Urgent Repair

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Smart Gadgets That Make Your Life Easier Tue, 23 Aug 2022 16:21:41 +0000 Imagine waking up to a self-driven smart house where the sound of your voice or snap of a finger activates multiple tasks while you enjoy the morning sun. Smart gadgets can help you achieve this by taking over mundane tasks and allowing you to focus on what matters most. You have probably interacted with one […]

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Imagine waking up to a self-driven smart house where the sound of your voice or snap of a finger activates multiple tasks while you enjoy the morning sun. Smart gadgets can help you achieve this by taking over mundane tasks and allowing you to focus on what matters most.

You have probably interacted with one smart gadget or another in the past. Devices such as the smartphone, smartwatch, or even smart music systems have made it so much easier and cooler to perform specific activities.

What Are Smart Gadgets?

A smart gadget is an electronic device connected to other devices in the home or the internet. You can configure these devices to perform certain tasks automatically. Many of these gadgets operate on commands, whether through voice, claps, or button clicks. Depending on the functionality, a device might play music, dim the lights, start washing the clothes, or close the bedroom blinds. In other instances, the devices will work on a time command, performing the set tasks at specific times.

Because these devices connect to the internet, they are often the target of hackers. Therefore, it is essential to consider your home’s safety through proxies or VPNs. A good proxy can hide your identity and protect you from malware or data theft. You can try to find a suitable proxy here.

There have been several advancements in tech, many of which are changing typical home appliances. Are you ready to perform your menial tasks intelligently? Check these out.

Smart Home Speakers

Music is a big part of our daily lives. Having a reliable and good-quality speaker at home makes listening to tunes much more pleasant. Smart home speakers, however, do more than play music. These devices will play music and audiobooks, set timers and alarms, do quick math, tell you if a restaurant is open, and even automate your other smart devices in the home – all these at the command of your voice.

Depending on your preferred operating system, you can have Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant connected to your speaker. These AI-powered PAs respond to your commands (at times hilariously,) making the speakers very interactive.

Smart Bulbs

You probably consider bulbs a boring but useful necessity in the home. Bulbs typically only have one function, lighting a room. However, smart bulbs take this function to a whole new level. Smart bulbs connect o the internet or to your device and allow the customization of light. With a smart bulb, you can pick the color, brightness, and ambiance you want without changing it or even pressing a switch. You can also connect your smart bulb to your smart home assistant, allowing it to be controlled by voice commands.

Smart Security System

Like all the devices mentioned, a smart security system connects to your phone or computer, permitting you to monitor your home from anywhere. Smart security systems can also send signals to the police or any security authority.

A smart security system also connects to other smart gadgets in the home, allowing you to control the gates, doors, and windows through the security system or your other devices. With such a system in place, you might not need to lift a finger or leave your bed for your home to come to life.

When picking a home security solution, it is important to research your provider and understand the terms for every system. Security is another big issue here; strengthen your network by accessing it with a good proxy.

Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

Cleaning the house can be tiring but not when you own a smart robotic vacuum cleaner to do it for you. Robotic vacuum cleaners have blown up due to the convenience they offer. Some even come with different parts for your cleaning needs. Moreover, with a robotic cleaner, you can set routine cleaning times and ensure the house is clean even when you’re away from home. Other cleaners even have voice control options allowing you to operate them with simple commands.

Create Your Dream Smart Home

Automate your home with these and more smart gadgets to make daily tasks smoother and life more manageable. Connect the devices to your phone or computer and gain access to your home from anywhere in the world. At the very least, you won’t need to walk or lift a finger to switch on the lights!

Also Read: Security Gadgets For When You Go On Vacation

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Security Gadgets For When You Go On Vacation Wed, 17 Aug 2022 14:26:39 +0000 Good home security means the thorough protection of your family and all your belongings. It’s important to ensure that your living space is protected even when you’re not around to keep an eye on it yourself, and this is where the Remote Monitoring feature can be of use to homeowners. Security gadgets are one of […]

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Good home security means the thorough protection of your family and all your belongings. It’s important to ensure that your living space is protected even when you’re not around to keep an eye on it yourself, and this is where the Remote Monitoring feature can be of use to homeowners.

Security gadgets are one of the most reliable ways to secure any living space. You can often depend on them to keep an eye on your home when you cannot, especially if it’s a monitored security system. Even with individual gadgets, home security can become a lot more efficient when you bring smart gadgets into the mix.

There are many options through which you can purchase these devices. Indoor lighting smart bundles, the Yale smart lock from Black Friday sales, and pre-selected security systems are only a few of your options when it comes to effective security for your living space.

One of the main concerns for any homeowner is keeping their home safe while they’re away for a possibly extended period, and the following gadgets may be able to help you achieve this.

Smart Plugs

One of the most useful portable gadgets for any home is a smart plug. This device can help homeowners with smart home automation on a budget. A smart plug is easy to install and set up and can be taken pretty much anywhere with you due to its compact size and discreet design.

Smart plugs are a great way to experiment with home automation. There aren’t many smart gadgets that you can carry with you as you travel, and a smart plug is one of the exceptions. You can use this gadget to give your existing regular gadgets some convenient smart features, making them easier to control.

Any small gadgets such as lamps and space heaters can become much easier to monitor using this gadget, and the app can even help you keep track of the energy usage for an eco-friendlier home.

Security Cameras

If you want a gadget with more versatility, a security camera is a good way to go. This device can be installed almost anywhere in your home to give you live 24/7 footage of the activity there. A security camera is a classic home security gadget and is both effective and affordable. This gadget is versatile and comes with many different options, such as wired and wireless. This gadget even pairs well with other home security devices to thoroughly protect your home.

Using a security camera, you can remotely keep an eye on your home from almost anywhere. This is an excellent gadget for when you go on vacation since you can even entrust your camera footage to a close friend or relative. This gadget will act as a security system by notifying you of any suspicious activity in specified areas of your home.

Smart Lights

Lighting is one of the most essential, multi-layered utilities in any living space. With lighting, you can make your home look and feel better instantly. Lighting helps with visual aesthetic, security, and visibility for a safe and practical home. Good lighting is important in all areas of your home to make it the most ideal living space.

With smart lights, you can do a lot more than just brighten up your home. Smart lights come with a wide range of features that make them an excellent gadget to add to your home’s security. With smart lights, you can customize color, intensity, and temperature; this can help give your home a much more personalized feel, making you feel even more at home.

Smart lights are energy savers. They are also reliable, and long-lasting, which means they help save money on repair costs and make your home eco-friendlier. These lights can be controlled remotely, which means they can help give the impression that your home is occupied even while you’re away – this can help keep intruders away.

Smart Speaker

If you’re looking for a virtual assistant to help out with your daily chores, there is no better option than a smart speaker; however, that’s not all it does. A smart speaker can be taken with you wherever you go. It’s a compact device that can even fit into your bag. Due to the convenient, lightweight design, you never have to worry about damage while traveling.

A smart speaker can help you organize your tasks even when you’re away from home. It can help keep you on track by helping with routes, setting alarms and reminders, and even helping you connect with friends and relatives back home. With the wide range of uses this gadget has, it can make your trips a lot more relaxing. It reduces manual effort and allows you to spend more time where you can lay back without worry.

Final Thoughts

A vacation is supposed to be a relaxing experience. It’s a time when you can forget everything you’re leaving behind and focus on enjoying your holiday. As a homeowner, this can be a little difficult to do. There are many responsibilities that you put on hold when you go on vacation, a major one being the security of your home.

When you cannot be physically present to monitor your living space, it’s easy to become anxious. In this situation, a good way to keep track of things is using smart gadgets that can be controlled either by you or someone you trust to make sure your home remains safe in your absence.

Also Read: Private Eye For Home Security & Remote Surveillance

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Guide: How To Choose Your Gaming PC Fri, 22 Apr 2022 13:30:41 +0000 Having a gaming PC is the dream of many. Consoles are no longer the popular and most common option to play. Although it may sound complicated, with this guide we explain the main components and steps so you know how to assemble your gaming pc. Components of a gaming PC To know how to assemble […]

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Having a gaming PC is the dream of many. Consoles are no longer the popular and most common option to play. Although it may sound complicated, with this guide we explain the main components and steps so you know how to assemble your gaming pc.

Components of a gaming PC

To know how to assemble a gaming PC by parts , you must first know the basic elements you need:

Graphic card

It is one of the star components when playing video games. It will allow you to enjoy more or less realistic graphics . The more you invest in it, the better results you will get in this regard.

For example, if you spend between 100 and 250 euros, surely your graphics card is ideal for games of no more than 1080p resolution. However, if you invest more, in the market you can find perfect options for 4k resolutions.


The CPU or the Central Processing Unit will be vital for your PC, since without it… it will not work. It is the one that interprets the actions of the operating system and in short, it will be the brain of your computer .

To get an optimal experience, you will have to assess the capacity of your CPU . You should therefore look at the number of cores and frequencies it has.

In general, for many games it will be enough for the CPU to use four cores (or even one or two if they are somewhat older and/or less demanding). Keep in mind that if the CPU has a lot of power, the processor will have to match and have it too.


It will depend on the budget you have. The normal thing is that you choose between AMD (Ryzen 3 range) or Intel (3 range) if you opt for a more affordable gaming PC. If you want a very powerful one, you will have to go for the Ryzen 7 or i7 option (if you choose AMD or Intel, respectively).


The heat sink releases heat that a computer component can build up. In the case of a gaming PC, the ideal is to choose a heatsink with a size according to the processor to keep it at an optimal temperature. It is also advisable to have a case designed to cool all the components of your computer together.

Base plate

All the important internal elements and components of your PC (such as the processor, RAM and hard drive) are connected to it . That is why it is so important, since it is like the skeleton of your device.

To acquire the motherboard, you must first choose your socket (the place or module where the processor will be installed). The latter can be AMD or Intel. The general recommendation is that for an AMD gaming PC, choose an AM4 socket and for an Intel one, a 1200 socket.

You will also have to choose the size of your motherboard depending on your needs (keep in mind that for powerful gaming PCs the ideal is ATX or EATX sizes).

RAM memory

This is where data from apps or programs you use is temporarily stored . For your gaming PC, it will again depend on the money you have. You can find RAM from 8GB to more powerful 16GB. For the latter, you will have to invest around 150 euros. The larger its size, the better performance.


It is important above all so that the system runs smoothly and avoid delays and stoppages of programs. Although this will not be so decisive for your games, it will influence the installation, loading and starting. For a gaming PC, the ideal is to have an SSD or solid state drive (this stores information on microchips with memories that are interconnected).

5 steps to install your gaming PC

After you have chosen the elements for your dream gaming PC, it is time to install them. This is the order you will have to follow:

  • Install the motherboard: you must be careful not to scratch it. You’ll need to line it up with the I/O panel and then put in the screws.
  • Install the memory: on the motherboard, you have to find the slots for the RAM memory and place it carefully, exerting the necessary pressure.
  • Install the processor: depending on the one you have purchased, you will have to follow some assembly instructions. Even so, the most normal thing is that you have to remove the metal bar from the CPU to find the support where the processor will go.
  • Install the heatsink: In this case, you will also have to read the instructions of the one you bought, but usually it will be enough for you to connect the four holes that are near the processor module.
  • Install the graphics card: on the motherboard of your PC, you have to locate the space intended for the graphics card and place it in that place. Then you will have to secure it with its corresponding screws. Later, you must connect the PC to the power supply with the necessary cables. And ready!

As you can see, the process is not as complicated as it seemed and now you can focus on other details that are also crucial, such as choosing the best monitor for your games.

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Change Alexa Voice – This Is How It Works Sun, 30 Jan 2022 13:41:22 +0000 The intelligent voice assistant of the Amazon Echo, Alexa, has a female-sounding voice. You can find out how you can change the Alexa voice from us. The famous voice assistants Siri (Apple), Google Assistant (Google), Cortana (Microsoft), and Alexa (Amazon) speak in a high-pitched voice that most users perceive as female. Women’s rights activists are […]

The post Change Alexa Voice – This Is How It Works appeared first on TechUpdatesDaily.

The intelligent voice assistant of the Amazon Echo, Alexa, has a female-sounding voice. You can find out how you can change the Alexa voice from us.

The famous voice assistants Siri (Apple), Google Assistant (Google), Cortana (Microsoft), and Alexa (Amazon) speak in a high-pitched voice that most users perceive as female. Women’s rights activists are bothered by this from time to time, and other users also want a different timbre now and then. That’s why we explain how you can change the Alexa voice on the Amazon Echo.

Alexa changed their voice via skill

Currently, Amazon does not plan to change the pitch of Alexa yet. The Internet giant may deliver the function at some point, but there are no plans yet. There is, however, the option of adapting Alexa’s voice using a skill.

The two applications As a man and As a child are suitable for this. Give Alexa the command “Activate [skill name] to activate the skills.” If you prefer to do this manually, you can find instructions in our article Activate Alexa Skills. The male skill allows you to change Alexa’s voice and let the assistant voice answer in a male tone. The voice command “Alexa, start as a man” helps you use the skill. The app as a child works in the same way. However, both skills cannot completely replace the actual voice of Alexa.

Change Alexa’s voice – the alternative

Some skills offer alternative voices for Alexa within the application. These include Tagesschau in 100 seconds , ZDFheute Xpress and Sportschau . Alexa will continue to answer you with a female voice without the apps, but as soon as you start the corresponding applications, the voice assistant speaks with the pitch you have chosen.

Also Read: Voice Commerce – The Future Of Ecommerce

The post Change Alexa Voice – This Is How It Works appeared first on TechUpdatesDaily.

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Best Mobile Phones For Gaming In 2022 Fri, 14 Jan 2022 19:56:30 +0000 Right now, if you were to add up all the apps available across the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, the total reaches almost five million across both platforms. There is a wide range of genres available, from health and wellbeing, weather, news, sport to gaming, and more, but what is the most […]

The post Best Mobile Phones For Gaming In 2022 appeared first on TechUpdatesDaily.

Right now, if you were to add up all the apps available across the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, the total reaches almost five million across both platforms. There is a wide range of genres available, from health and wellbeing, weather, news, sport to gaming, and more, but what is the most popular and profitable?

With over 218 billion downloads registered across the platforms, the one area that raises the biggest revenue share is gaming. A new report from Sensor Tower states that 61.5% of the spending on Apple’s marketplace in 2021 was down to games, while gamers gained a startling 78% from Google’s store.

Popular titles Honor of Kings and Genshin Impact are playing a large part in raising revenues from mobile gaming to $89.6b. As a result of which, it’s driving some of the biggest companies in the gaming industry to focus their attention on enhancing their options for the mobile gamer than ever before.

Games once only available to be played on PC and consoles are just as popular on mobile nowadays, like Call of Duty and PUBG as they continue to be a huge draw. Outside of that genre, some mobile apps deliver live gaming and need a stable connection and good processing. The Ladbrokes App on Google Play features titles such as Age of the Gods and Live Blackjack, which require strong graphics and a crisp, clear display wherever you are. The same can be said for Asphalt 9, which does its best to replicate the experience of racing some of the fastest cars on the planet, with great graphics and sound, all while utilizing the power of 5G connectivity to keep you in the online racing.

If you’re an avid gamer but haven’t yet experienced the best mobile gaming and are looking to get yourself a new device, we’re here to help. Let’s look at some of the best choices for mobile gaming in 2022.

Nubia Red Magic 5G – $579.99

This Android-based phone is one that is firmly aimed at the gamer, so much so that it’s our standout choice for the lovers of the non-fruity device. It has a PC matching 144Hz refresh rate on a 6.65inch screen and shoulder button triggers to ensure you’re poised and ready if enemies walk across your path. The links to the major gaming hardware continue as amazingly, it’s liquid-cooled and has a built-in fan to keep the device working at optimum settings.

iPhone 13 Pro Max – from $1099

This is at the top of the market regarding price, but it’s with good reason. It’s the most prominent and best Apple device for gaming. The A15 Bionic chip is brilliant at processing, making the busiest online slot reels spin smoothly, and its performance is significantly better than the outgoing 12 Pro Max. There’s an improved battery which means you can play for longer and, the Promotion Super Retina XDR screen is a delight, all in all when combined with the superb build quality, it’s fantastic.

Xiaomi Black Shark 4 – starting at around $507

Another solid gaming choice comes in the form of the Black Shark 4, and it follows hot on the heels of the Nubia Red Magic with similar triggers as controllers firmly aimed at the gamer. If you’re gaming at home, it supports the fastest Wi-Fi 6 technology and 5G when out and about. The Black Shark features dedicated game settings in the ‘Shark Space’ and comes with Android 11 pre-installed. When you consider the phone also comes with the fastest LPDDR5 RAM, you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck. But it shouldn’t come as a surprise if you’ve read our previous article on the ‘7 Ingredients of Xiaomi’s Success’.

Also Read: The Best Selling Mobile Phones In The World

The post Best Mobile Phones For Gaming In 2022 appeared first on TechUpdatesDaily.

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