DIGITAL MARKETING Archives - TechUpdatesDaily Tech Updates Mon, 16 Oct 2023 13:20:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DIGITAL MARKETING Archives - TechUpdatesDaily 32 32 How To Attract New Customers To Your Points Of Sale? Mon, 16 Oct 2023 13:20:30 +0000 Today, whatever your sector of activity, competition is tough. Social networks and the expansion of the web allow Internet users to compare nearby offers and, therefore, take advantage of all of them. But, these volatile consumers directly impact the turnover of companies. In fact, 10% is the average number of customers lost each year in […]

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Today, whatever your sector of activity, competition is tough. Social networks and the expansion of the web allow Internet users to compare nearby offers and, therefore, take advantage of all of them. But, these volatile consumers directly impact the turnover of companies. In fact, 10% is the average number of customers lost each year in all sectors combined. To combat this loss, it is essential to pursue two main strategies: building loyalty and prospecting. In this article, discover our 3 best practices for attracting new customers to your points of sale through local marketing.


Before setting up local marketing campaigns, it is essential to carry out good segmentation because successful targeting is the guarantee of sending the right message to the right person at the right time.

To move away from mass marketing and move towards personalized communication, it is imperative to segment your market according to different criteria:

  • Demographic criteria: age, gender, socio-economic, ethnic, and family situation. Base your analysis on your already existing customer database.
  • Geographic criteria: place of residence and work
  • Psychological criteria: personality, lifestyle, activities, interests, opinions, etc.
  • Behavioral criteria: situation, benefits sought, usage, loyalty, means of payment, delivery, time slots, channel used, etc.

All of this data will allow you to understand better the needs and expectations of your prospects to offer them the best marketing mix, that is to say, the right offer, the right product, using adapted and personalized communication. Especially since personalized and targeted communication will allow you to increase the performance of your campaigns and improve your profitability. Without forgetting that you stand out from your competitors, who generally communicate.

Also Read: Companies And Freelancers: How To Build A Lasting Relationship?

Marketing levers to activate

Social networks

Social networks are essential communication channels today. In fact, they represent more than 1.28 billion daily users with an average usage time of 1 hour and 42 minutes per day. Each social network has its target. It’s up to you to see, depending on your sector of activity and your products, which one(s) suit you the most between Facebook, Instagram, or Linkedin.

To start on social networks, create a page for each of your establishments, and it is important to have a local presence. Indeed, you will communicate on local news, and your subscribers will, therefore, be in the geographical surroundings, especially since a local presence will allow you to improve your SEO on search engines.

Once your points of sale have a page, you must encourage your teams to run them regularly to increase their visibility in their catchment area. Offer them to post between 3 to 4 publications per week in order to establish a connection with their nearby subscribers. Here are some examples of actions or communications to put in place: events at points of sale to encourage Internet users to travel, such as competitions or even partnerships with local influencers.

Do not neglect the importance of hashtags in your texts in order to benefit from better reach on the media. For example, you can use hashtags about your activity or your location in order to reach available and nearby Internet users. One last important point: to build loyalty in your community, respond to all comments and messages to show that their opinions matter to you.

Local advertising

Local advertising is an effective lever for reaching Internet users nearby and available to visit the point of sale. In fact, 55% of online advertising investments generate in-store sales. Discover three effective channels for your local advertising campaigns:

  • Google is the number 1 search engine, and 91% of people use it to do local searches. Google Ads is Google’s advertising service; it allows you to appear in the first search results of Internet users.
  • Facebook and Instagram belong to Meta, and they have 46 million French users.
  • Waze is a GPS application used by 17 million motorists each month.

To start local advertising, it is important to achieve good targeting according to your catchment area. It would help if you created an advertisement for each of your points of sale in order to personalize your message. In your campaigns, you can show your local teams to reassure your contacts; moreover, now is the time to show your premises to make them want to come. Another campaign idea to implement is to highlight your local catalogs to show the products available in store according to your stocks.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing is an inevitable communication channel when we talk about local communication. It allows you to reach consumers who are nearby and ready to go to the store. Discover two relevant channels for your direct marketing campaigns:

  • Email marketing is effective since 59% of consumers say that emailing influences their purchasing decisions.
  • SMS marketing is the channel of immediacy. In fact, 90% of SMS are read within 10 minutes after receipt.

To successfully attract new customers to your points of sale, you can turn to hire intentional contacts in order to reach targeted prospects based on very specific criteria, such as their purchasing intentions, and send them discovery communications of your products or services in order to maximize your chances of sales. Moreover, address these prospects from several channels to increase your chances of conversion. But be careful to space out your communications over several days so as not to overwork them. They could unsubscribe.

Presence management

Presence management is the management of your online visibility and, specifically, the digital showcase of your points of sale. It is thanks to Google Business Profile sheets that you will be able to benefit from a local presence, provided you create one for each of your points of sale. Indeed, when an Internet user has a need, he will search on Google, and according to the keyword he types, several results will appear. It only consults the first results and compares the available offers. On these cards, he will be able to read online reviews, consult your website, your opening hours, directions to the store, and even your telephone number. But to appear in the first search results, it is essential to work on your local SEO.

Here is some basic information that you must complete to increase your local SEO:

  • The name of the establishment
  • The address
  • The main category
  • Opening and closing times
  • Photos of your store

On social networks, make Google Posts to talk about your news, present your products, etc. Google’s algorithm favors businesses that use their features, so do yourself a favor.

Overall, by using all of these best practices: social networks, local advertising, direct marketing, and presence management, you are certain to generate more traffic in-store and see customers passing by every day.


To conclude, it is essential to put actions in place to compensate for the loss of customers. By following all of these best practices, you are sure to retain your customers and gain new ones. Start by targeting your communication campaigns in order to send the right message at the right time. Then, be present on different channels: social networks, direct marketing, local advertising, and presence management to maximize your chances of generating traffic at points of sale.

Also Read: Dialogue Marketing: The Right Way To Get Your Customers “Big Yes”

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What Marketing Tactics Can Businesses Invest In? Tue, 19 Sep 2023 14:50:40 +0000 To function well and develop its activities, a firm must make itself known and promote its products and services. To this end, it is necessary to adopt well-thought-out marketing tactics. Which is not always easy, given that not all company managers are experts in the field. Here are some tactics you can invest in to […]

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To function well and develop its activities, a firm must make itself known and promote its products and services. To this end, it is necessary to adopt well-thought-out marketing tactics. Which is not always easy, given that not all company managers are experts in the field. Here are some tactics you can invest in to grow your business.

Survey to get to know your customers better

When a company enters the market, its main objective is to promote its products and services to its customers. It must first know its customers perfectly to achieve this goal with complete peace of mind.

You must know what she expects from you to make her happy and meet her expectations. This is mainly why you need to carry out a survey.

To do this, you only need to develop a brief questionnaire to submit to potential customers. If this task seems complicated to you, you can always contact a specialist research firm.

Thanks to this solution, you can identify your target clientele. Above all, it will let you know how to improve your products and services. This survey lets you know exactly where your company stands among your customers.

Also Read: What Business Leaders Need To Know About The Google Algorithm

Retain your current customers

Simply looking for potential customers is not enough to ensure the development of a business. It is also necessary to retain them so that they always think of the company when they need a service similar to that of the firm. To do this, there are several alternatives. However, the idea is to encourage customers to contact the company when necessary.

Improve company notoriety

Many solutions can increase the visibility of a company.

Create a website

The first step to improving the visibility of a business is to set up a platform. To do this, it must be installed correctly to facilitate the firm’s visibility.

Since this is a delicate step that requires a minimum of know-how, it would be preferable to call on a professional in the field for its editing. One way or another, you must ensure that this showcase site is installed correctly. Don’t forget to create a logo to personalize the platform better.

Use social networks

Social media isn’t just for entertainment. It is also possible to use them to improve your company’s notoriety. However, there are some tips to keep in mind.

You don’t need to increase your presence everywhere to make yourself known on social networks. To be more effective, it is advisable to select those where prospects and customers register the most—for example, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Don’t forget to create a logo at this level to allow your customers to recognize you in the crowd. With a good logo, your brand will remain visible in the market.

Use Google Ads to increase your traffic

One of the best marketing tactics a business can invest in is running campaigns on Google Ads. Indeed, this ad posting service is quite effective. The main advantage of this method is that it allows you to promote your goods and services without thinking about developing the visibility of a given platform.

In this case, Internet users directly perceive the ad during their searches and are therefore free to click. Each time a user clicks on the ad, it will generate a cost that the company responsible for the publication must pay. Thanks to this solution, you can attract traffic to make yourself known.

Offer premium content

While many means, such as publishing on Google Ads, can attract more traffic, it is also essential to ensure that Internet users convert into customers. Indeed, once the ad attracts users, they will not hesitate to click on it to discover the company in more detail.

However, when they are redirected to the company’s showcase site with low-quality content, there is a good chance that they will lose interest in the offer. To limit this, offering content with a high-added value likely to convince prospects is necessary.

Also Read: 5 Digital Marketing Strategies That Will Work

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How To Optimize The Homepage Of Your Website? Thu, 10 Aug 2023 07:33:29 +0000 You know how important it is to have a website, but you don’t know how to get started and especially how to optimize your homepage? You are in the right place! The website is the essential tool for all companies, regardless of size, field of activity, or defined objectives. If your activity is physical and […]

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You know how important it is to have a website, but you don’t know how to get started and especially how to optimize your homepage? You are in the right place!

The website is the essential tool for all companies, regardless of size, field of activity, or defined objectives.

If your activity is physical and not virtual, you also need a website! And yes.

It allows you to be located , identified , known and above all (the most important) to control what is said about you, your brand and your company.

But here, we are particularly interested in your home page.

The home page , also called home page , or landing page is: THE page that needs special attention (but not only). Design, content, ergonomics: nothing should be left to chance, to make a good impression on both form and content with your visitors.

You are probably wondering how to optimize your homepage? Do not panic, in this article, we reveal our best advice.

10 tips to optimize your homepage

The home page is an integral part of your website, it is decisive for your visitors, so don’t miss it!

Above all, it is first essential to have understood the basics, and in particular the importance of having a website, to find out more you can read our article: “why create a website”.

Well… We are getting to the heart of the matter.

The home page is actually your storefront. It must make you want to browse your site, to learn more about you. It allows you to communicate on some facets of your brand by giving a taste of your offer and your expertise.

The front page of your website, the home page should gather as much data as possible about your brand without seeming overwhelming to your visitors.

As you will have understood, you will not have twice the opportunity to make a good impression, which is why your homepage must be welcoming, warm and of course in your image.

To do this, nothing better than putting yourself in your visitors’ shoes and asking yourself what priority information they need to have at first glance?

Discover here, our great tips to make your homepage on top!

1. Submit a relevant design for your homepage

This is where the phrase “you won’t get a second chance to make a good impression” really comes into its own. If the homepage is not visually pleasing, your visitors will leave your site in two clicks.

Nobody wants to come across a flat, flat, incoherent, sassy page, do they?

So bet on a coherent design : colors, shapes, images in line with your universe and your brand identity. You must have a positive and immediate impact on your visitors, they must be able to remember you.

Also consider ergonomics and navigation , which must be optimized to provide the most pleasant user experience possible. The page should be easy to use and the information should be easily accessible.

A good design yes, but think about Responsive Design and mobile optimization. The user experience must also be pleasant from the mobile and therefore adapted to this type of navigation. As web consumption is mainly done on mobile, you need to start from mobile design and implement the concept of Mobile First . For this, you first design the site on mobile and you decline it for a computer display. To optimize your design, you need to observe mobile usage, create mobile wireframes and perform mobile tests.

Don’t forget that the visual is the element that is perceived first, hence the importance of not leaving it aside. It is the design that influences the behavior of your visitors. An overloaded or poorly organized page will scare away your visitor. And that’s not your intention, is it? So, pay attention to your design!

Also Read: How To Make A Website With WordPress Step By Step

2. Introduce yourself

Take advantage of your page to briefly introduce yourself. Highlight your values , your difference , or your added value . In a few seconds, the visitor must understand what you can bring him.

In particular, you can use colored inserts to highlight your content or your value proposition. Be clear , concise , precise and simple in your remarks so as not to lose your Internet user.

3. Write consistent and impactful content

Send your message! How ? By highlighting the most important information that will arouse the curiosity of your readers. Readers, who will be more inclined to read more. To arouse this curiosity, be impactful in your remarks in order to deliver your message more easily to your target audience.

Arriving on your home page, your visitors must find the information quickly, otherwise they will get closer to your competitors.

You must go to the essential: no fuss! Write with short and simple sentences while using relevant keywords that will help you rank well on different queries.

Going to the essentials allows your Internet user to find the information he is looking for quickly and therefore to satisfy him. Satisfaction: your ultimate goal.

You can add more details and details in the dedicated pages. The home page should remain fluid and should make you want to find more information on your other pages. It should give a taste of the rest of your website.

On the form side: ventilate your text and opt for quality content . Content that brings real added value for you, but also for your targets.

4. Illustrate your words

There is nothing better than beautiful images to illustrate your content. However, the images must be relevant and in line with your text. An image that has no interest for your home page or no relation to your content, will do you a disservice more than anything else. Choose them well!

Do not forget to highlight your logo, in order to facilitate the memorization of your company. This element is essential to retain you visually . For more information on the logo, do not hesitate to read our article “4 tips for having a relevant and effective logo for my brand”.

5. Generate interest

Your home page must arouse curiosity, it must appeal to your interlocutor. Going through the display, the images, the call-to-action (call to action), the harmony of the elements: it is absolutely necessary that you hold the attention.

Once landed on your site, your visitor must want to stay and discover more about you, by browsing the rest of the home page or by browsing your site.

6. Offer a unique user experience

The user experience goes through the design, the ease of finding information, the dynamism, but also the presence of call-to-action to encourage your visitor to browse other pages, to buy a product, to make a reservation, to make an appointment.

We advise you to use a few words, expressed in a clear and direct way : “contact us” “I love it” “see our products”.

7. Highlight your offer

The visitor is in front of your home page: make him want to call on you and not on someone else.

Showcase your added value : it’s now or never! Sell ​​yourself, show your know-how, illustrate your professionalism and your achievements.

Affirm that you are the ideal company to meet the expectations and needs of your target. In short, give it your all!

8. Opt for the personalization of your homepage

Integrate your social networks to show your dynamism, your achievements and highlight the advice that you can communicate to your Internet users. Social networks allow you to create a link and establish a relationship with your prospects or customers.

Regarding the content of your home page, it is not a question of speaking like everyone else. You need to personalize your speech ! Be distinctive, authentic and differentiating.

9. Reassure your visitors

To be credible and inspire confidence with your target, you can highlight customer opinions or testimonials, references, achievements or even partners.

These are the elements that ensure your credibility, your know-how, your legitimacy in your field.

10. Think SEO

Come on, a little last for the road (to make a round count).

Your homepage may be pretty, with relevant content, but if it’s not SEO-friendly, there’s no point. The goal is for you to be visible , credible and to be among the answers to your targets’ queries.

We advise you once again here to produce quality content using appropriate and relevant keywords for your target.

Optimize your content so that it best meets the expectations of Internet users by improving the layout with the presence of a single H1 title and several H2 and H3.

The meta description is equally important. You can summarize your company and highlight your added value to make people want to know more and enter your site.

Also Read: 6 Tips For Good Website Texts

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What Is The Essential To Know About Digital Prospecting? Fri, 28 Jul 2023 09:58:18 +0000 Digital prospecting is a system set up to allow salespeople to take advantage of the advantages offered by digital tools and media. Often used in B2C, this method is also useful in B2B. Indeed, for companies that have a B2B type of business, it is a powerful sales tool. Read more about this solution here. […]

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Digital prospecting is a system set up to allow salespeople to take advantage of the advantages offered by digital tools and media. Often used in B2C, this method is also useful in B2B. Indeed, for companies that have a B2B type of business, it is a powerful sales tool. Read more about this solution here.

Digital Prospecting: What is it?

In simple terms, digital prospecting is a set of marketing and commercial actions carried out through tools available on the Net. The purpose of this process is to identify prospects and turn them into customers.

The particularity with this method is that it advocates a completely dematerialized approach to the commercial relationship. To do this, digital prospecting requires the use of certain digital tools such as a website, sending mailing campaigns and social networks.

By using this method, the salesperson manages to generate leads and do inbound marketing. Thus, he no longer wastes time traveling to carry out commercial actions.

All you need is a computer and an internet connection to establish contact with your client and attract him to you. Moreover, when it is well managed, a digital prospecting plan appears to be an innovative solution that makes it possible to increase the turnover and the customer portfolio of a company.

Why use it?

The various technological advances have considerably changed the codes and habits of thousands of users. It is possible today to find everything on a website. As a result, the net becomes the first resort for all consumers in search of satisfaction. On the internet, consumers read, research and interact.

By opting for web searches, the prospect becomes independent and difficult to approach. It is therefore necessary to pull out all the stops and go find it in its lair. To this end, digital prospecting gives the possibility of setting up digital acquisition strategies that allow the salesperson to capture his target very quickly.

Moreover, with the advent and the remarkable development of telework, it is becoming more complicated to carry out traditional prospecting. Indeed, telephone and physical prospecting remains very expensive and lasts longer. And this, due to the fact that this form of prospecting involves deploying great commercial resources.

Also, unlike the traditional one that uses outgoing messages, digital prospecting brings great added value to prospects.

How to do Digital Prospecting?

Doing digital prospecting is very easy. It is nevertheless important to have some benchmarks before starting. First, you have to determine the perfect target you want to hit. This will allow you to optimize your chances of finding new customers. So, if you’re serious about reaching businesses, there are a few key questions and criteria to consider:

  • What is the ideal geographical area to reach?
  • Is there an ideal business size?
  • What sectors of activity should be affected?
  • Who should be targeted first?

Based on these questions, you will be able to find the right target for your activities. Without asking yourself these questions, you run the risk of coming into contact with people who have no interest in what your company offers. On the other hand, by asking yourself the right questions, it will be easy for you to know your target and to focus only on what it takes to transform the prospect into a customer.

In addition, it is necessary to take three different steps before engaging in the process of digital prospecting. First, you have to know how to use the various means of communication on the net. Second, you will need to optimize the customer experience. Third, you will need to put in place a lead management strategy.

You now know what digital prospecting is and how to implement it.

Also Read: Do You Know The Role Of Digital In The Customer Relationship?

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Cross And Up Selling – A Look At Practice! Thu, 20 Jul 2023 06:50:44 +0000 We often encounter cross and up selling in everyday life. With small additional offers and precisely fitting additions to the respective purchase wishes, many sellers achieve a considerable increase in sales. However, cross and up-selling strategies can not only be successfully implemented in brick-and-mortar shops. Many online retailers have been taking advantage of this lucrative […]

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We often encounter cross and up selling in everyday life. With small additional offers and precisely fitting additions to the respective purchase wishes, many sellers achieve a considerable increase in sales. However, cross and up-selling strategies can not only be successfully implemented in brick-and-mortar shops. Many online retailers have been taking advantage of this lucrative business for a long time and regularly generate more sales per purchase.

In this article you can read how cross and up selling can help you to increase the value of the shopping baskets in your online shop and how you can successfully implement corresponding strategies.

What does cross selling look like?

Cross-selling offers customers a service that, when purchasing a specific product, suggests other items that optimally complement the desired product. This can be a suitable mobile phone case for the smartphone or the right belt for jeans. It is important that the range of proposed products is not too large and that it suits the needs of each customer as well as possible.

However, it does not always have to be products from the same division. Articles from a different area can certainly appeal to the targeted clientele and encourage them to buy them as well. In most cases, cross selling aims to reach customers who have already bought something before. This is because they are more willing to buy more items. It is therefore primarily used to reactivate existing customers. Cross selling is therefore a special type of customer care and is part of successful customer relationship management. In addition to existing customers, you can also reach new customers with the help of a professional cross-selling strategy.

Advantages for online retailers

Probably the biggest advantage is the lower acquisition costs for dealers. Products that can be sold through cross-selling do not require any additional effort to attract the attention of customers. These are already on the website of the online shop and are showing interest in the products. Existing customers in particular are usually more willing to invest more money. Price sensitivity decreases primarily because they already know the quality of the products.

With the help of cross-selling, retailers can advertise their products across all assortments, which improves customer relationships and can thus contribute to increasing sales. In addition, cross-selling strategies offer the opportunity to promote the sale of older goods and thus facilitate the introduction of new products in your own range.

Also Read: Top Tips For Selling Electronics Online

Cross Selling vs Up Selling?

Unlike cross-selling, where complementary items are suggested, the strategy of up-selling is to offer customers a similar but higher quality product. Customers are often willing to spend more money for a better product if it gives them an advantage. For example, a camera with a better resolution or a laptop with more power.

But here, too, it is particularly important to pay attention to the wishes of your customers. For example, it makes little sense to suggest a product to them that is many times more expensive than the product they have chosen. Although up-selling products must deliver clear added value, they should still be within the requirements of the interested party. If the shopping cart contains a relatively inexpensive refrigerator with few additional functions, you can offer a refrigerator that is a bit larger and more modern, but does not cost twice as much. Customers looking for something simple and inexpensive are unlikely to buy the most modern, high-tech ice-cube freezer.

As an approximate guideline for the price of the upsell product, an increase of 30 percent of the actual price of the product that is already in the shopping cart can be used.

All advantages at a glance:

Conversion rate

Cross and up selling helps to sell more products and can therefore also increase the shop’s conversion rate.

Increase in sales

Selling more products allows for an increase in sales for the entire company.

Customer service

The recommendations of the products present a customer service that promotes the care of existing customers in particular.

Acquisition costs

Products sold via cross and up selling hardly require any acquisition costs, since customers are already interested.

Sale of older goods

Cross and up-selling strategies promote the sale of older goods that still fit the needs of the customer.

Introduction of new goods

The recommendation of further products makes it easier to introduce new items in the range.

Use cross and up selling in the online shop

Cross- and up-selling strategies are particularly promising in online shops, since a spontaneous purchase can be decided on within seconds. This miracle weapon can be implemented in the online shop with automated tools based on weak artificial intelligence. In most cases, these tools are already integrated in the respective shop system and can supplement the online shop as an additional service.

Basically, they offer the operator two technical options that depend individually on the system used:

  • The online shop operator defines keywords in advance that are related to the article. The article database can be searched using these keywords, after which those articles that are linked to the corresponding words can be displayed.
  • The second variant requires that the operator independently enters a master record of an article of specific products that are to be displayed as part of the cross-selling strategy.

In addition, the algorithms of the software calculate which products they are most likely to be interested in based on purchases that customers have already made. In addition, the program can also access collected data on the products sold by all customers who have also purchased the selected item. In this way, an offer with other interesting products can be put together for customers.

Also Read: Social Selling: 11 Best Practices To Apply

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Become An Influencer: Tips For Starting Your Digital Career Mon, 17 Jul 2023 07:13:43 +0000 More and more people dream of becoming famous on the internet with their content and sharing their passions – they want to become influencers. But how does the entry into the world of likes and hashtags look like? What tips are there for success in the digital world? In this article we give an overview […]

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More and more people dream of becoming famous on the internet with their content and sharing their passions – they want to become influencers. But how does the entry into the world of likes and hashtags look like? What tips are there for success in the digital world? In this article we give an overview of the most important steps you should consider if you want to become a (successful) influencer.

Become an influencer: The most important things at a glance

Influencers are people who have a large following on social media or other digital platforms and share content to write, photograph or film about their passions and interests. They are also known as content creators as they create and produce content themselves.

  • The most important social media platforms for them are Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and blogs.
  • It’s important to post content regularly and maintain engagement with followers.
  • There are various ways to earn money as an influencer, such as through cooperation with companies, affiliate marketing or by selling your own products or services.
  • Working as an influencer is taxable in Germany above a certain income.

What is an Influencer?

An influencer is a person who has a large following on social media or other digital platforms. Influencers are usually experts in a particular field or have built a loyal fan base through their unique lifestyle and personality. They use their platforms to write, photograph or film about their passions and interests while promoting or recommending various products or services. Influencers can be active in different areas, for example in the fashion or beauty area, in the lifestyle or travel area, in the sports or gaming area. They share their experiences, opinions and recommendations via social media, blogs or YouTube with other people and thus have the opportunity to influence the decisions and behavior of their followers. Influencers can build a special connection to their followers through their content and authenticity and are therefore often interesting for companies as cooperation partners.

Influencers vs Content Creators

Influencers are also often referred to as content creators (“creators” for short), since they create and produce content themselves, which they post on their channels . This content can be, for example, photos, videos, blog posts or live streams. Influencers are not only “pure” influencers, but also independent content creators who realize their own ideas and content and share them with their followers. This gives them the opportunity to express themselves creatively and to show their own personality.

On which platforms are influencers active?

Influencers used to be mostly active on their own blogs.

Today, influencers move mainly on social media platforms, as this is where the greatest reach and the best opportunity to get in touch with other people and share content is. The most well-known platforms for influencers are:

  • Instagram: Instagram is a photo and video sharing platform that is primarily used by influencers in the fashion and lifestyle sectors.
  • YouTube: YouTube is a video platform where influencers can upload their own videos and share them with their followers.
  • TikTok: TikTok is a video platform that is particularly popular with younger users. Influencers on TikTok usually share short, entertaining videos on various topics.

Influencers can also be active on other platforms such as Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest, depending on which platforms are best suited to their topic.

What are my Responsibilities as an Influencer?

Many cannot imagine anything concrete under the work of an influencer.

As a creator, you have various roles and responsibilities:

  • Creating and publishing content: Your main job as an influencer is to create and publish new content on a regular basis. This content can be photos, videos, blog posts or live streams and should be relevant to your topic. So you need to have a good idea for your content and be able to execute it effectively.
  • Maintaining the community: As an influencer, you are also responsible for maintaining your community. This means that you regularly interact with your followers, for example by reacting to comments or answering questions. You should also listen to your followers’ requests and suggestions and try to establish a good relationship with them.
  • Working with companies: Influencers often have the opportunity to work with companies. This can take a variety of forms, such as introducing or promoting products, attending events, or creating content as part of a paid collaboration with a company. As an influencer, you have to work professionally with companies and adapt to their wishes and requirements.

Overall, you can think of the work of an influencer as a mix of creativity, community management , and business orientation. Not only do you need to be able to create good content, but you also need to be able to target the right audience and capitalize on monetization opportunities.

Also Read: 6 Metrics You Need To Analyze When Finding Influencers

What do i need to become an Influencer myself?

There are some material and abstract factors that are needed for the desired career path. These include, for example:

  • Reach: As an influencer, it is important that you have a certain reach so that you can draw attention to your content and reach your target group. This reach refers to the number of your followers or the number of people who see your content. The greater your reach, the more people can benefit from your content and the more interesting you are for possible cooperation partners.
  • Equipment: As an influencer, you should have the necessary equipment to create your content. For example, this can be a good camera, a tripod, a good microphone or good lighting, depending on the type of content you want to create. A suitable location for recording your content , such as a home office or studio, can also be part of your equipment.
  • Own topic and strategy: As an influencer, you should have your own topic or niche in which you specialize. This topic can be in the fashion or lifestyle sector, for example, in the sports or gaming industry or in a completely different area of ​​interest. It’s important to focus on a topic that you’re passionate about and knowledgeable about so you can keep your followers entertained. You should also have a clear strategy on how to publish your content and how to reach your target audience .
  • USPs : As an influencer, you should also have USPs that set you apart from other influencers. This can be, for example, your personality, your experience or a certain expertise . Your unique selling points allow you to stand out from the crowd and better address your followers.
  • Contacts and a network: As an influencer, it is important that you have a good network and contacts so that you have the opportunity to collaborate with other people or companies.

How do i find cooperation partners?

There are various ways in which you as a content creator can find cooperation partners:

  • Contact companies directly: You can introduce yourself directly to companies that fit your topic and talk to them about a possible cooperation. For example, you can write an email or write to the company on a social media platform.
  • Research cooperation exchanges or platforms: There are now many platforms or exchanges on which content creators and companies can meet. Registering there and being found by companies can be very beneficial.
  • Activate your network : A good network can also help you to find cooperation partners. Talk to people in your network and ask if they know anyone who might be a good candidate to work with.
  • Use social media: You can also use social media to draw attention to yourself and thus find cooperation partners. Publish interesting and relevant content regularly and use the opportunities that the platforms offer you to get in touch with companies.

It is important that you behave professionally when looking for cooperation partners and make a good impression. Show that you are knowledgeable and that you know how to use your reach to help the company achieve its goals.

How hard is it to be an Influencer?

The workload as an influencer can vary greatly and depends on various factors, such as:

  • The nature of your content: If you create long and elaborately produced videos or podcasts, for example, the work as an influencer will probably be more complex than if you mainly share photos or short videos.
  • Activity and engagement: In order to be successful, influencers must regularly produce new content and interact with their followers. Activity and interaction are important because they help an influencer build a strong relationship with their followers and increase their reach. The more an influencer posts and engages with their followers, the more opportunity they have to spread their brand and attract new followers. The frequency with which an influencer posts depends on many factors such as the niche they operate in, the interest of their followers, and their own capacity to produce. It’s important that you, as an influencer, find a rhythm that works for you and your followers.

Part-time Influencer?

Of course, it is also possible to work as an influencer as a part-time job. Many influencers have other main jobs and use their influencer status to make money on the side. If you want to do influencer work as a part-time job, make sure you have enough time to produce fresh content and engage with your followers on a regular basis. In doing so, you must not neglect your other obligations and responsibilities. If your business as a content creator is going well, you can still consider whether you should focus on it professionally for the long term.

Start as a Micro or Nano Influencer

If you want to start your career as a content creator alongside your main job, you can get your first jobs and paid cooperations with a comparatively small number of followers.

  • Micro-influencers are people who have a relatively small number of followers on social media compared to the big influencers, who often have a huge reach. Micro-influencers typically have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers, depending on what niche they operate in and what social network they are active on. They typically have a very engaged follower base and high engagement rates with their content. Many followers appreciate the authentic appearance of smaller channels.
  • Nano-influencers typically have fewer than 1,000 followers and tend to operate in a very specific niche.

However, having a smaller following does not mean that the activity is less time-consuming. Because the time that you have to spend as an influencer depends not only on the reach but also on many other factors, such as the frequency with which you post, the quality of the content you produce and the type of interactions you have with your own community has.

When do i have to pay Taxes as an Influencer?

As a content creator, you will have to deal with the tiresome topic of taxes for better or for worse.

As a content creator, you may be subject to tax on the following:

  • Value added tax
  • Income tax
  • Trade tax

This is usually dependent on your earnings. It is essential to consult a tax advisor for this!

Value Added Tax

As an influencer, you are an entrepreneur within the meaning of the Value Added Tax Act if you are self-employed and with the intention of generating income. It doesn’t matter whether you want to make a profit or not: As an entrepreneur who is subject to VAT, you must submit a VAT return for the calendar year in any case. However, if your sales, including the applicable tax, were not more than EUR 22,000 in the previous calendar year and are not expected to be more than EUR 50,000 in the current calendar year, there are some simplifications for you.

Income Tax

The income from your work as a creator is generally subject to income tax. However, you only have to submit an income tax return if this income together with other income (e.g. as an employee) in the calendar year exceeds the annual basic allowance of EUR 9,408 (2019: EUR 9,168).

Trade Tax

Trade tax is only payable if your trade income (rounded to the nearest 100 euros) is higher than 24,500 euros. The trade income is calculated from your profit and increased by certain additions and reduced by certain reductions.

Salary: How much can i earn as an Influencer?

It’s difficult to make a blanket statement about how much an influencer can earn, as it depends on many factors, such as their level of recognition, the industry the creator works in, and the engagement of their followers. Some influencers only make a few hundred dollars a month, while others can make thousands of dollars or even more. The most successful content creators on Instagram earn five-digit amounts with a single paid cooperation.

Also Read: Science Behind Influencer Marketing And How To Use It

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Pinterest For Business: 6 Tips For A Successful Start On The Platform Sat, 01 Jul 2023 17:09:02 +0000 Pinterest is a platform that many small and medium-sized businesses do not use yet. However, it can help to make your company and website better known and thus generate more sales. In this article we will explain how Pinterest works and what you need to know to get started with Pinterest successfully. What is Pinterest? […]

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Pinterest is a platform that many small and medium-sized businesses do not use yet. However, it can help to make your company and website better known and thus generate more sales. In this article we will explain how Pinterest works and what you need to know to get started with Pinterest successfully.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a platform specializing in images and visual content . You can think of Pinterest like a virtual pinboard . Users can leave their own posts with text and images on all conceivable topics. These are then assigned to thematically appropriate digital pin boards. The focus of the platform is clearly on the images, as these are displayed to the users on the pinboards. You only get to the relevant information or are forwarded to a website with a click. For this reason, Pinterest is also often referred to as an image search engine .

The word “Pinterest” is made up of the English words “pin” (pin) and “interest” (interest). It thus reflects that users find and collect content on the platform that corresponds to their interests and preferences.

Users can also create their own virtual pinboards, i.e. pinboards, and collect the posts they like there. As a company, you can also create your own pinboards.

What makes Pinterest different from other social media platforms?

Compared to other social networks like Facebook and Instagram, Pinterest differs greatly in its orientation. The platform is not designed to share self-portraits and pictures of one’s own life, but aims to offer users inspiration.

The focus is on presenting content that encourages people to save it and develop their own ideas. The focus is on the quality of the content in order to offer users added value. Businesses can benefit from this alignment, as users on Pinterest are more willing to purchase products featured on the platform.

What also sets Pinterest apart from other platforms: the reach (impressions) of the individual posts is more important than the number of followers on a profile. Even a profile with relatively few followers can achieve high coverage. The impressions depend a lot on appealing images and search engine optimization.

Also Read: Understand The Role Of Social Media In Business Marketing

Posts on Pinterest: What is a Pin?

Pinterest posts are more than just images. Each post can be a photo or video with a link to its original source. This advantage distinguishes the network, since each pin can be provided with a link. For example, if you post an image of a product from your store, you can associate the Pin with a link to the relevant product page on the website. This makes it possible to drive more traffic to your website.

Appealing images are therefore important for your Pinterest posts!

Why should businesses use Pinterest?

Pinterest can be a useful platform for businesses to promote their brand and drive traffic to your website. Businesses can create a business profile on Pinterest for free and upload their own content, such as images and videos, related to their products and services. In addition, they can also “repin” content from other users (i.e. transfer content from other users to their own boards) to build their own community.

Pinterest also offers advertising options such as “Promoted Pins”, which companies can use to target their content to a specific target group. Pinterest can therefore be an effective marketing strategy, especially for companies that offer visual products or services.

How do I create a Pinterest Business profile?

If you want to get started as a business on Pinterest, setting up a business account is the first step. To do this, simply go to the website, register and then switch the account to business mode. Sign up with the email address you’ll use later to receive notifications from Pinterest.

To convert your profile to a business account , simply click on the small arrow in the top right corner and select “Convert to business account”.

Create your own posts: Here’s how

After you’ve created your first boards, it’s time to start posting your own. You can choose between the two options “Create Pin” and “Create Idea Pin”.

Create a Pin: A classic Pin is a post that can contain up to 5 images or short videos. The images should be in portrait format. An image size of 1000 x 1500 px is recommended. To the right of the image, you have the option of writing a short text for the post, storing an alternative text (this can be read by screen readers) and a link to your blog, your website or your shop. Finally, you can choose to publish the pin immediately or later. Next to the “Publish” button, you can choose which pinboard the pin should appear on. Pins are posts that are intended to tease content and arouse curiosity, so that the user then clicks on the link.

Creating an Idea Pin: Idea Pins (formerly Story Pins ) are a bit more complex to design. The aim here is to provide the user with creative instructions (e.g. a recipe or the production of an object). Similar to an Instagram story, a completed short story should be told or e.g. B. Tips are given. In contrast to the Instagram stories, the Idea Pins are saved permanently and are not deleted again after 24 hours. Good Idea Pins are often played out by the platform to users and can generate very high coverage. The downside: you can’t link directly to your website in the Idea Pin.

6 tips to increase your reach on Pinterest

How are posts optimized for maximum success? Here are some tips that can help you use Pinterest successfully:

  1. Use meaningful images: Pinterest is a visual platform, so it’s important that the images are engaging and meaningful. Use high-quality images that represent your product or service well.
  2. Keyword Matching: Use relevant keywords in your pins and boards to ensure they’re being found by the right audiences. Hashtags also help to increase reach.
  3. Write meaningful descriptions: Again, use relevant keywords to increase the reach of the posts.
  4. Link website: Link pins and boards to your website to generate traffic and promote your products or services.
  5. Be active on the platform: In order to increase the reach on the platform, it is recommended to “pin” daily, i.e. to place posts on a pin board. In order to quickly create an active account right from the start, you can also place contributions from others (i.e. third-party content) on your pinboards. However, reduce the third-party content bit by bit over the next few weeks – after all, at best you want to draw people to your website.
  6. Use content from other platforms: If you e.g. If you already have an Instagram account and regularly post short videos (reels) or posts there, you can also use these for your Pinterest account.

Also Read: Common Mistakes In Social Media Marketing

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Growth Through Sustainable Marketing: Definition, Criteria Thu, 15 Jun 2023 14:31:25 +0000 More and more companies are focusing on sustainability. Marketing is not unaffected either. In this article, we will show you how marketing and sustainability can be brought together. You will learn what sustainable marketing means and how you can combine it with your growth strategy. What does sustainable marketing growth mean? In principle, you can […]

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More and more companies are focusing on sustainability. Marketing is not unaffected either. In this article, we will show you how marketing and sustainability can be brought together. You will learn what sustainable marketing means and how you can combine it with your growth strategy.

What does sustainable marketing growth mean?

In principle, you can look at sustainable marketing from two perspectives:

Firstly, sustainable marketing refers to the use of resources. You use your resources in an ecologically and socially responsible manner and try to avoid “negative external effects” – i.e. negative effects on the environment, society and the surrounding area. Since sustainability is increasingly becoming an important purchasing criterion for customers, this sustainable approach also benefits you in marketing.

Second, you can understand sustainable marketing as long-term, strategic brand communication . In other words: Instead of quick shots and high ad budgets, you set up your marketing sustainably. For example, you take care of building a values-based and content-focused brand.

Both definitions are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary: in many companies they appear together. The basic idea of ​​sustainable marketing can therefore be summarized in one sentence:

Sustainable marketing refers to activities that are aimed at creating long-term value for the company itself and society.

Criteria of sustainable marketing

Typically, short-term campaigns and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) do not play a role in sustainable marketing, but rather long-term aspects:

1. Long-term

All marketing campaigns are designed to achieve long-term effects. One goal is often brand building , i.e. strengthening the brand.

2. Authenticity

Your own history, values ​​and visions are the focus of sustainable marketing and are actively communicated.

3. Strategic

Brand communication is strategically aligned and coordinated on all channels. A uniform and consistent appearance is created.

4. Efficient

In the long term, sustainable marketing has a high impact with relatively little use of capital and resources and, above all, little waste.

Benefits of sustainable marketing

The benefits of sustainable marketing are numerous. On the one hand, companies can win new customers and retain existing customers through sustainable products and services. Sustainability is increasingly becoming an important purchasing criterion for customers. On the other hand, companies can save costs through sustainability by doing without resource-intensive “rush shots” in the campaigns.

Finally, sustainable marketing can improve a company’s image and help it be perceived as responsible and future-oriented. By communicating one’s own vision and values, trust is built up with consumers, which is useful in the long term.

Also Read: Science Behind Influencer Marketing And How To Use It

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What Is SEO On Page And Off Page And Its Difference Mon, 12 Jun 2023 15:04:57 +0000 If you are interested in improving the positioning of your website in search engines, it is important that you know the concepts of SEO On Page and Off Page . These two terms refer to optimization techniques that can be applied inside and outside your website to improve its visibility in search results. In the […]

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If you are interested in improving the positioning of your website in search engines, it is important that you know the concepts of SEO On Page and Off Page . These two terms refer to optimization techniques that can be applied inside and outside your website to improve its visibility in search results.

In the article SEO On Page and Off Page that we have written from the advertising, we explain in a simple way what both SEO On Page and Off Page are, their main differences, and how to use them to carry out a strategy completely effective search engine optimization.

What is SEO On Page and Off Page

But then, what is SEO On Page and Off Page? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of techniques and strategies used to optimize a website and improve its visibility in search engines. There are two main categories of SEO:

SEO On Page refers to optimization practices that are carried out directly on the website, with the aim of improving the relevance and quality of the content for search engines.

SEO Off Page refers to optimization practices that are carried out outside the website, with the aim of improving the authority and relevance of the site for search engines.

What is the Difference between them

Both types of SEO are main categories of search engine optimization techniques, which are used to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search results.

How are SEO On Page and Off Page different? The main difference between the two is that the first refers to the optimization of factors within the website, while the second refers to the optimization of factors outside the website.

SEO On Page includes aspects such as keyword optimization, content quality and relevance, website structure, loading speed, and proper use of HTML tags, among others. These techniques are directly related to the content of the website and its structure, and their main objective is to improve the user experience and make the site easier to index for search engines. Some of the key factors of SEO On Page are:

On-Page SEO techniques

  • Keyword Optimization: Ensuring that site content includes keywords relevant to the site’s industry or theme.
  • The structure of the website: ensuring that the website has a clear structure that is easy for users and search engines to navigate.
  • Page Optimization: Optimizing each page of your website to make it easy for search engines to read and understand.

On the other hand, Off page SEO focuses on creating a positive online presence for the website, outside of its own domain. This is accomplished through techniques such as link building, social media engagement, directory profiling, and posting articles on other websites, among others. Some of the Off Page SEO techniques include:

Off-Page SEO techniques

  • Link building: getting quality links from other websites to increase the authority of the site.
  • Social Media Presence: Having an active presence on social media can increase your website’s visibility and improve its relevance to search engines.
  • Participation in the online community: Participating in discussions and answering questions on online forums and other related websites can increase the visibility and relevance of the website.

Also Read: SEO Strategy: 13 Key Actions To Position In Search Engines

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Security And WordPress: How To Protect Yourself From Cyber ​​Threats Thu, 08 Jun 2023 15:44:32 +0000 One of the most important priorities when managing a website is to secure it against attacks. There are various elements you should consider to help protect your website from harm. Below, we’ll look at the basic security options and outline the recommendations that are worth following. I will focus on two-factor authentication (2FA) in more […]

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One of the most important priorities when managing a website is to secure it against attacks. There are various elements you should consider to help protect your website from harm. Below, we’ll look at the basic security options and outline the recommendations that are worth following. I will focus on two-factor authentication (2FA) in more detail.

The basics of securing a WordPress (hereafter WP) site against attacks

  • Regularly update plugins, theme and CMS system – updates include security fixes and performance improvements that protect your site from attacks.
  • Use unique, strong passwords and change them regularly. They are crucial for website security. Using passwords that are too simple can lead to them being cracked.
  • Backing up your site is crucial in case of data corruption or loss. You can perform a backup using various plugins or one of the security services. Sometimes a 14-day hosting backup is not enough, especially if you only notice the problem after 2 weeks.
  • It is important to monitor the website and protect it from attacks. You can use security plugins or services that monitor and protect the site.
  • Make sure you have a valid SSL certificate.
  • Hosting with high security standards, regular monitoring and updated systems will better protect your data from unauthorized access.

Adherence to security recommendations for WP sites is important to protect against possible cyber attacks that can cause damage and compromise the confidentiality of sensitive information stored on your website.

Two-factor authentication – 2FA

2FA reduces the security risk in case someone gets hold of your password. It adds an extra layer of security that makes it harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access to your account – even if they manage to steal your password. In order to understand how 2FA works, we must first zoom in on the factors – 2FA has two of them:

The first factor is known, you need to know it to authenticate yourself. Using a username and password is the most common of the types of factors you can use to log in.

The second factor uses an additional device you own for verification. Most often, a mobile phone and an application in it.

OTP mobile apps, also known as authentication apps, are available for both Google Android and Apple iOS devices. Installing the authenticator app on your mobile phone is easy and works just like any other app. You know it, for example, as a token in internet banking.

Also Read: How To Make A Website With WordPress Step By Step

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